From: Raymond E. Feist
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996
I was a computer hobbiest before I became famous, so I just kept doing it. I was on The Source and CompuServe in my old Apple II days, and while I'm fairly new to the Internet (only the last 2 years) I've been on-line one way or another for over 10 years. Anyway, one daughter (Jessica 3 1/2) and one son (James 8 months). My favorite type of music? That's tough, but Rock & Roll. But I enjoy opera, show tunes, jazz, traditional folk, and anything else that's good. I could do without Kenny G, though. My biggest cause of depression, actually, is realizing that the best Rock & Roll on the planet is being played by guys in their late 40's! (Stones, Who, Kinks, etc.) Favorite movie? Don't have one. I have over 1,000 films in my collection. I can give you a few category films, as in favorite David Lean Film (Lawence of Arabia, with Great Expecations a close second), favorite John Ford film (The Searchers, with The Quiet Man right behind), best pirate movie (Captain Blood, with the Crimson Pirate getting an honorable mention). That sort of thing. But "favorite film?" No such thing. Other hobbies are serious wine drinking (I'd collect if we didn't keep drinking it all) and raising horses.
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