Here you will find what we have been doing at Crydee. Be it new articles or information, maybe an update of existing information. This is where you will find out the bigger changes we have implimented.

Tue Feb 3rd, 2004
Feistfans-l Archive Updated
Added mailing list archive for period 1 January 2004 to 31 January 2004

Tue Feb 3rd, 2004
Crydee FAQ
For some time you may have seen in under the FAQ menu an option to the Feist FAQ. This is something I have been working on for quite a while, but until I moved to my current host it wasn't a viable option. I have today renamed the section the Crydee Feist FAQ . It has gone live, a bit earlier than planned, and the content is still being added, but I believe that some content is better than none, and some of the answers will reduce the questions I am answering via personal email, thus giving me more time to increase its content.

Tue Jan 27th, 2004
Roaring Studios Coming Soon
Just added new Future release from Roaring Studios

Tue Jan 27th, 2004
Wood Boy pictures
Added more pictures to the Roaring Studios section for the cover of Wood Boy

Fri Jan 16th, 2004
New Fanart
Updated the Fan Art section to include Wayland Reid's art which he has given permission to display

Wed Jan 7th, 2004
The Feistfans-l Archive now hosted at
I have added the Feistfans-l Archive to the site. many thanks to Donal for providing the files. In the long run I will put into a searchable database. If anyone has the skills, and would like to perform the task of removing the junk in the headers let me know. if you then have ability to sort a database, even better. I would be happy if more than one person wanted to help as there is a lot to do.

Wed Jan 7th, 2004
Review Request
Not exactly What's New, but a request for content, if you have a review of a Feist book, I am looking to expand the reviews section and would consider it for inclusion. email me here

Mon Jan 5th, 2004
Crydee Forum Gone Live
The message board has finally gone live Follow the menu Forums, Message Boards, and join the fun

Fri Jan 2nd, 2004
Site Counter
The Counter Has been reset based on figures from the old counter and log. This reflects the number of visits to the homepage and not total pages visited which is much higher. I hope to bring this information to you at sometime in the future. It will be found in the Help section

Fri Jan 2nd, 2004
Old Guestbook
The guestbook has moved, and is now hosted at

Wed Dec 31st, 2003
Roaring Studios Wood Boy
A Later version of the Wood boy cover has been posted in the Roaring Studios section

Wed Dec 31st, 2003
Chart Room
Coming soon, the Chat Room will return, and a new message board