Here you will find the latest news in the world of Raymond E. Feist. It maybe the title of the next book, a new release or even a new project, but it could also be an update on an existing project. What ever it is though, we hope to present it to you as soon as we are aware of it. If you know something we don't, that relates to Raymond E. Feist, and believe it should be here, then please contact us.

Thu Apr 3rd, 2014
A Janny Wurts plug, by Raymond E. Feist - Worth a read
Ray has aked me to post details of Janny Wurts Sorcerers Legacy which has been released in eBook format, and there is a little story to go with it.
This is the book that caused me to nag Janny Wurts for nearly a year to co-write the Empire Series with me. If you've not read her solo stuff, this is a great place to start.
Find out more at

Thu Dec 5th, 2013
South Africa Visit Possibly 2014
Ray just posted the following
OK, this is not 100% official, but it's HIGHLY likely I will be making my first visit to South Africa for the Open Book Festival in Cape Town, September 17 to the 21st. We are looking to get up to Jo'burg for at least one if not two days, just after. More details once this is firmed up but I'm going hard to make it happen. I've wanted to visit South Africa for years!

Tue Oct 22nd, 2013
Midkemia: The Chronicles of Pug
Midkemia The Chronicles of Pug, have been seen in the wild in New Zealand and Australia. As this is the long awaited incarnation of the project originally planned to be The Atlas, it may fly off the shelves quickly, so don't hold back., get your copy before they're gone.

Tue Jul 9th, 2013
Crydee Updates - Service Status
As you are probably aware, service at Crydee has been limited for a while see Crydee Updates - Limited Service 2. We are pleased to report that life is slowly retuning to normal, and we hope that we should be in a position to resume updating the website in anticipation of the new world towards the end of the month.
Our first goal is to upload some photographs from the recent tour, and post details of the upcoming release of Midkemia: The Chronicles of Pug. We will then start the task of gathering the details of other releases from around the world that have been missed, or are forthcoming.

Fri May 17th, 2013
Crydee Updates - Limited Service 2
As mentioned in our previous post, there will be very limited updates due to family issues. We are sorry to report Crydee's admin lost his father earlier today, and will likely be otherwise occupied for a number of weeks, so we apologise in advance for the slow responses to emails that will likely occur. Our presence will also be limited on our facebook page

Thu May 16th, 2013
Crydee Updates - Limited Service
For the near future, there will be very limited site updates due to family issues

Mon May 13th, 2013
Mysterious Galaxy Event Friday 17th
Mysterious Galaxy of San Diego US, have an event this Friday 17th, " Magician's End of An Era Gala "
From their website
"Just a little more than a decade before there was a Mysterious Galaxy, Raymond E. Feist’s Magician introduced fantasy readers all around the world to Pug and Midkemia. Magician was the first book in the Riftwar Saga, and the first series in what was later become known as the Riftwar Cycle. Mysterious Galaxy’s Gala to mark the end of an era with Magician’s End will include a sword-fighting demonstration from Chivalry Today Educational Program participants and possibly a live webcast.
Please note that the sword-fighting demonstration will take place at 6:00 and Ray will speak at 7:00. "
Remember if you can't make it, but would still like a signed copy, give them a call and place an order, they will be more than pleased to help, and they ship internationally. Their contact details can be found in the banner on the left.

Mon May 13th, 2013
Magician's End US out tomorrow
Magician's End is officially released on the 14th May 2013 in the US, so not many hours to go before you can enjoy the last book in the saga.

Thu May 9th, 2013
Print articles for Magician's End - US
The following are printed and digital print articles for Magician's End in the US.
Entertainment Weekly - Feature - Issue on stands 10th May 2013
San Diego Union-Tribune - Feature - San Diego 5th May 2013
SF Signal and Eletist Book Reviews - Feature - Pittsburgh 20th May 2013 - Omnivoracious Blog = Feature 17th May 2013
Examiner - Feature - Florida except Miami 17th May 2013 Feature & EXcerpt - National Online - 17th May 2013
Hartford Books Examiner - Feature - Connecticut 20th May 2013
Booklist 'Starred' Review 15th May 2013

Mon May 6th, 2013
Magican's End Australia - Seen
It has been reported that Magician's End is available in the wild in Australia.

Fri May 3rd, 2013
Game writer turns pen to paper
A quick heads-up.
For those who enjoyed the now classic computer game Betrayal at Krondor, the writer of the game Neal Hallford, is turning pen to paper and has a kick-starter project going for a book entitled The Thief of Dreams, if you would like to find out more go to

Tue Apr 30th, 2013
Audio books are in the future
Ray just posted the following:-
For those who have asked over the years why only some titles are available on audio, I'm pleased to report we've reached a deal with HarperCollins to do them all. I have NO idea what the schedule of release dates and the like will be, so don't ask.
Best, R.E.F.

Tue Apr 30th, 2013
Magician's End - Australia delayed?
Since posting my previous message earlier this morning, has changed the release date of the Australian edition to the 6th May.

Tue Apr 30th, 2013
UK Tour, less than a week away
With the UK tour starting in less than a week, start pulling out the books your plan to take with you.
And don't forget to check your travel plans, especially for Forbidden Planet on the 6th - Bank Holiday Monday. Remember the Railways like to do maintainece on lines on Bank Holidays, so often put busses on in the place of the trains, and they move a lot slower, so if you have to leave earlier.
It's always a good idea to contact the store beforehand, to check if there have been any changes to times etc. You don't want to miss your chance to see Ray.
A hint on preparing your books for signing. If they have any value, carefully pack them, and consider removing the dustjacket, so it can't get damaged. Maybe even put your own paper cover over the book to protct it in place of the jacket. In general, Ray signs the title page, so you could consider a simple paper bookmark to the page, to speed up opening to the correct place for signing, this can be very useful if you have several books you would like signed. Ray normally signs 3 books and asks you join the back of the queue for a second pass, this should allow everyone to get something signed if time is limited, though this may change based on the level of attendance.
Above all, it is good manners to purchase the current book at the store holding the signing, it gives them reason to ask for Ray again in the future.