Here you will find the latest news in the world of Raymond E. Feist. It maybe the title of the next book, a new release or even a new project, but it could also be an update on an existing project. What ever it is though, we hope to present it to you as soon as we are aware of it. If you know something we don't, that relates to Raymond E. Feist, and believe it should be here, then please contact us.

Thu Dec 9th, 2010
UK Australia New Zealand - A Kingdom Besieged Release Dates
We have just updated the publication information with the UK, Australian and New Zealand release dates for A Kingdom Besieged. Australia and New Zealand should see the Hardcover on the 1st March 2011, whilst the UK will have to wait a couple more days till the 3rd of March 2011, to see their copies.
Note these are the official release dates, but they may be available earlier.

Tue Nov 30th, 2010
Magician Master: The Great One
Magician Master: The Great One, the continuation of the Comic Book adaptation from MARVEL is on its way. Although there has been indications for some time at MARVEL's website, nothing has yet become available. According to a contact at MARVEL:
'Magician Master: The Great One will be released digitally first and then will be published as a Hardcover. It will not be printed in single issues.
Stay tuned for an announcement soon on when the digital files and the hardcover will be going on-sale.'
So there you have it, we make a new announcement as soon as we have dates.

Sun Nov 21st, 2010
Crydee 11th Birthday, Statistics and the future
A few weeks ago, Crydee had its 11th birthday, and thanks go to our visitors for their continued support, and for spreading the word.
Back in January we gave you an insight into Crydee's usage statistics, which as we said before, to most, including us, is trivial information, but for others its the meaning of life.
The Crydee Quiz has been taken 62931 times since its inception in November 2008, with 22731 time this year alone.
From Crydee's birth we have had over 3,266,210 visits, with a total of 23,848,723 pages viewed, and using 1.5 TB of bandwidth.
As many know we have had family issues that have impacted on what we have been able to do over the last year. Most of our plans, including the plans we had for improvements to navigation and structure were defered, we hope to look at them again in 2011. In the meantime, we have a few additions/updates to exisiting content, that we hope to start work on in the next few weeks.

Tue Oct 26th, 2010
US Serpentwar Facelift
The US paperback editions of The Serpentwar by Raymond E. Feist, have new covers. Originally slated for next year 2011, this was brought forward as demand for the titles exceeded supply, so if you haven't yet seen them, expect to sometime soon. The covers are again by Steve Stone, who has already provided us with some spectacular art on recent titles.
Unlike the original covers used on the US paperbacks with a more motife type of design, these are full colour pictures, with plenty of detail, and although not as 'bright' as their predecessors, should still be as easy to spot on the shelf from a distance. We will be adding further information to the publication information as time permits, but for now, here is a preview of the covers. (We have been fortunate to see the full art for three of these titles and its all good)

Mon Oct 25th, 2010
Wrath of a Mad God in France
Thanks go to one of our visitors for the heads-up. Bragelonne in France have just released (22 October 2010), La Folie du Dieu Noir (Wrath of a Mad God), by Raymond E. Feist. The book is in the usual Trade Paperback format. Not for the first time, have they used one of the spectacular covers by Steve Stone, originally used on the Harper Collins US editions. Full details can be found in the publication information section. It is also assumed this French title, may like previous, be available in Canada.

Thu Oct 21st, 2010
A Kingdom Beseiged Completes Editing
Ray has informed us that the last bit of editing has been completed for A Kingdom Besieged, so the final text should now be with the publisher.

Wed Oct 20th, 2010
Australian Riftwar Legacy Gets New Covers
In line with the new covers being provided for the UK, Australia and New Zealand editions, it appears that Australia will soon be seeing new covers for Krondor the Betrayal, Krondor the Assassins and Krondor. Tear of the Gods. It is assumed the other countries will see the new covers at some point. We will be adding further detail to the publication information as soon as we have it, but for now here is what to expect.

Wed Jul 28th, 2010
As many may have noticed, there have been few updates of late at Crydee. This has unfortunately been due to ill health in my family, and the subsequent loss of my mother on the 9th July 2010.
Consequently, we have had little time to scour the net for new releases etc. If you know of something we don't yet have, please contact us with a link, and we will add it as soon as possible.

Thu Jul 15th, 2010
A Kingdom Besieged - US cover revealed
Following on from our anouncement last month of the publication date for the US release from HarperCollins of A Kingdom Besieged, by Raymond E. Feist, we are pleased to present to you the cover, a larger version of which can be found in the publication information. A preview of the cover can be seen below.

Thu Jul 15th, 2010
Empire gets new covers UK
The UK and Australia will be getting new covers in September and November 2010 respectively for the Empire Trillogy by Raymond E. Feist and Janny Wurts. It is likely that New Zealand will also see the new covers at a similar time. The new releases are to be 197mm high which is about 8 inches, so taller than the previous paperbacks, but still smaller than the Trade Paperback. The new ISBN and other details can be found in the publication information. Below you can see a preview of the covers.

Sun Jun 20th, 2010
A Kingdom Besieged release announced
We have just added publication information for the US release of A Kingdom Besieged , the next book , and first book in the Chaoswar Saga, by Raymond E. Feist. Due for release on 29 March 2011. As soon as we have the cover, we will make it available for you to view.
Please remember to check back nearer the time, as dates can change, though we will do our best to post it here. We will be advising other countries release dates, as information becomes available.

Wed Jun 9th, 2010
France release Into a Dark Realm
Bragelonne, Ray;s French publisher released La Dimension des ombres (Into a Dark Realm) at the end of last month. It sports one of Steve Stones fantastic covers, previously seen on the US editions, as can be seen below. Release information can be found in the Publication Information section.

Tue May 25th, 2010
A Kingdom Besieged - Update
Ray advised that A Kingdom Besieged, the next book to be released, and first in a new series, is still in process. The book is planned to be handed in to the publishers by the end of June.

Fri Apr 30th, 2010
Portugal - O Mago - Mestre
Once again our thanks goes to António Vilaça Pacheco at Saída de Emergência in Portugal, for providing this cover art for due in July 2010. We have updated the Publication Information with the ISBN 9789896372293 and other information. Here for your pleaseure is the cover, a larger copy of which resides against the publication information.

Mon Apr 19th, 2010
Crydee Admins Attend Signing
Last week Ray participated a signing at Mysterious Galaxy, his local bookstore in San Diego, and we attended, well sort of. With thanks going to Patrick Heffernan Store Manager, we made it by proxy. We would have liked to be there in person, but the 11000 mile round trip, did seem a little over the top.
So for now we have this picture that Patrick arranged. If you can't figure it out, we're the little people.