If you were curious as to how a name is pronounced, we hope the following will give you an insight. In some cases we also provide a sound byte of the name. Many thanks go to Raymond E. Feist, for providing many of the pronunciations.
All Kelewanese names are pronounced like Hawaiian. Consonant+vowel, consonant+vowel, consonant+vowel, etc.
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Acaila | Ah-kay-la |
Acamel | Ah-ca-mel |
Acoma | Ah-comb-a |
Adelin | Ad-el-in |
Akani | Ah-kan-ei |
Akasi | Ah-kas-e |
Akee | Ah-kee |
Akenkala | Ah-ken-kal-a |
Alamena | Al-a-me-na |
Almecho | All-mech-oh |
Almorella | Al-mor-el-la |
Alstwanabi | Alst-wan-a-be |
Alwin Barry | Al-win Barry |
Alyssa | Ah-lyss-a |
Amirantha | Ami-ran-tha |
Anleah | An-leah |
Ardanien | Ar-da-neen |
Armengar | Ar-men-GAR |
Arutha | A-ruth-a |
Asayaga | Ah-say-ya-ga or A-say-a-ga. |
Ashen-Shugar | Ashen-Shu-gar |
Astalon (Ynothanos) | As-ta-lon |
Axantucar | Ax-an-tu-car |
Azawari | Az-a-war-i |
Bantamina | Ban-ta-mi-na |
Baracan | Ba-ra-can |
Baranor | Ba-ran-or |
Bardac the First | Bar-dac |
Barmalindar | Bar-ma-lin-dar |
Bekamostana | Bek-a-mos-ta-na |
Bektomachan of the Acoma | Bek-to-ma-chan |
Beragorn | Bear-a-gorn |
Bewin | Be-win |
Biggo | Big-O |
Borric conDoin II | Bore-ick |
Bovai | Bow-veye |
Brucal | Bru-cal |
Calin | Kay-lyn |
Calis | Kay-lis |
Carline | Car-leen |
Catuga | Ca-tu-ga |
Chaka | Cha-ka |
Chakaha | Cha-ka-ha |
Chakahar | Cha-ka-har |
Chekowara | Chek-o-wa-ra |
Chichimechas | Chi-chi-me-cas |
Chilapaningo | Chil-a-pan-in-go |
Chimiriko | Chi-mi-ri-ko |
Chocha | Cho-cha |
Chochapan | Cho-cha-pan |
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