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If you were curious as to how a name is pronounced, we hope the following will give you an insight. In some cases we also provide a sound byte of the name. Many thanks go to Raymond E. Feist, for providing many of the pronunciations.

All Kelewanese names are pronounced like Hawaiian. Consonant+vowel, consonant+vowel, consonant+vowel, etc.


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Ka-hooli (Albar) Ka-hoo-li
Kait'lk Kate-ilk
Kamaiota Kam-I-ota
Kamatsu Ka-mat-su
Kanazawai Ka-na-za-way
Kartachaltaka Kar-tac-hal-ta-ka
Kaschatecas Cash-a-te-cas
Kavala Ka-val-a
Keda Kay-da
Kelewan Kel-eh-wan
Kesh Ke-sh
Keshian Kesh-ian
Kevinsson Ke-vin-son
Keyoke Keh-yo-kee
Kodeko Ko-deh-ko
Krondor Kron-door
Kulgan Kul-gan
Kuvak Ku-vak
LaMut Law-Mutt
Landonare Land-on-air
Lanokota of the Acoma La-no-ko-ta
Laurie Law-ree
Liallan Li-al-lan
Lims-Kragma (Zandros) Lims-Krag-ma
Luthar Lu-thar
Macros Ma-crows
Malena Ma-le-na
Midkemia Mid-kee-me-a
Milamber M'lam-ber
Minjochka Min-jo-ch-ka
Minwanabi Min-wa-na-bi
Moredhel Mor-ed-el
Morvai More-vai (rhymes with "eye")
Motecha Mo-tec-ha
Moyiet Moi-et
Murad Mur-ahd
Murmandamus Mur-man-damn-us
Nakor Nay-kor- equal stress on both syllables
Natalese Na-tal-ese
Novindus No-vin-dus
Oaxatucan Wha-ha-tu-can
Osami O-sam-ee
Palanque Pa-lan-que
Papendaio Pa-pen-day-o
Papewaio Pa-pe-way-o
Port Natal Por-t Na-tal
Pug Pugh - Ugh with a P in front
Queg Kw-egg (One syllable)


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