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If you were curious as to how a name is pronounced, we hope the following will give you an insight. In some cases we also provide a sound byte of the name. Many thanks go to Raymond E. Feist, for providing many of the pronunciations.

All Kelewanese names are pronounced like Hawaiian. Consonant+vowel, consonant+vowel, consonant+vowel, etc.


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Quentin Quen-tin
Raglam Rag-lam
Ralapinti Ral-a-pin-ti
Rasajani Ras-a-ja-ni
Remalu Rem-alu
Remarga Rem-ar-ga
Rhuagh Ra-og. With the "a" being asperated
Rianta Ri-an-ta
Rillanon (City) Rill-a-non
Saaur Saw-our ir sah-er
Sajaio Sa-jai-o
Sar-Sargoth Sar-Sar-goth with emphasis on second "Sar."
Saydano Say-da-no
Sejaio Se-jai-o
Sethanon Seth-a-non
Sezu Acoma Say-zu
Shamata Sha-ma-ta
Shinzawai Shin-zah-way
Sho Pi Sho Pe (Rhymes with Snow Pea)
Shonshoni Shon-sho-ni
Sigfried Sig-freed
Silbi Sil-bee
So-mu-ta So-mu-ta
Subatai Sue-ba-tay
Sudkahanchoza Sud-ka-han-cho-za
Sugama Su-ga-ma
Sulan-qu Su-lan-qu
Sularmina Su-lar-mi-na
Talanque Ta-lan-que
Tancred Tan-creed
Taredhel Tar-ed-el
Tarku Tar-ku
Tasaio Ta-say-oh
Tasemu Ta-see-moo
Thanaxaca Than-ax-a-car
Thubar Thu-bar
Thuril Thu-rill
Tinuva Teh-nu-va
Tith-Onanka Tith-O-nan-ka
Tomachaca Tom-a-cha-ca
Tomas TOM-us
Tondora Ton-do-rah
Tsurani Tsu-rahn-ee Make a T with the tongue and teeth then say "s"
Tsuranuanni Tsu-rahn-you-ahn-y Make a T with the tongue and teeth then say "s" or TSu-rhan-you-ann-knee
Tuclamekla Tu-cla-me-kla
Tyr-Sog Tyr-Sog
Ugasa U-ga-sa
Ulgani Ul-gan-ee
Uvanta Ooh-van-ta


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